City Services

As the son of Vietnamese refugees, his family never sought city services. If the trash wasn’t picked up, they would wait until next week. Countless potholes, broken traffic & street lights, and graffiti gone unreported. 

Alhambra Library Trustee Quach understands firsthand the impact of city services for households and the investment necessary to maintain effective staff and city departments. For Nicolas, governance means incorporating and prioritizing community feedback through forums and community conversations.

As District 4’s next Council Member, he believes city services should be proactive, not reactive. Quach’s office will work with residents to ensure the needs of constituents are met regardless of race or socioeconomic status.   

As the President of the Alhambra Library Board, he advised a five million dollar budget. Nicolas has the experience to handle the city’s budget to ensure city services are properly funded whilst ensuring fiscal responsibility in a time of economic instability.

On the Board, he partnered with State Representatives including Assemblymember Mike Fong to secure funding for community projects which include Book Vending Machines for Alhambra Library patrons and will steward dollars coming in for Alhambra’s sustainability and community center projects.

Community Safety

Neighbors need to feel safe, whether it’s going for an evening walk or shopping at a local business. Public safety is a serious concern and one that must be both community-based and accountable to residents. 

As our next Councilmember, Nicolas will expand and strengthen the Neighborhood Watch program, so residents can safely police their own neighborhoods with APD support. Quach will work with the Alhambra Police Department (APD) to establish Safe Exchange Zones with surveillance where residents can conduct private party transactions as opposed to meeting at an individual’s home. 


On the Alhambra City Council, Library Trustee Quach will ensure Alhambra achieves 100% Renewable Green Energy by leading the region through our partnership on the Clean Power Alliance. He will pursue environmental solutions addressing air pollution and Alhambra’s carbon emissions to ensure every resident is able to breathe clean air and utilize County, State, and Federal resources to the fullest. This transition won’t be the smoothest road, but Quach will work to provide the resources for every family and business to smooth over any bumps ahead.  

Further, Nicolas Kiet Quach believes in providing increased access to green spaces for families and the creation of a dog park at an existing local Alhambra park. He won’t back down from negotiations for fair prices from utilities companies so no resident has to stretch their dollars to keep their lights on at night.


Growing up, Nicolas frequented public transit options including Alhambra’s crucial local transit service, the Alhambra Community Transit. Using the line, his family could shop at local grocery stores, attend Ramona Elementary, and visit the mom-and-pop businesses that made Alhambra home.

If elected – Nicolas Kiet Quach will fully subsidize the Alhambra Community Transit (ACT) into a fareless transit service tackling declining ridership. This would increase the city’s funding from 90% which the city funds. Quach will aim to collaborate with Los Angeles Metro to further County Public Transportation services within the City of Alhambra alongside regional partners including Monterey Park’s Spirit Bus.

For an Alhambra inclusive of all residents, he’ll instruct city staff to expand Senior Transportation to online and phone registration option to make City Services geared toward Senior residents more accessible. 

On every major streets and intersection, everyone on the road deserves equal protection. Expanding upon Alhambra’s Bike Safety Plan, pedestrians should be included in city planning so that Alhambra is a more walkable community that encourages residents to walk to their local businesses. This means investing in infrastructure which reflects the modes of transportation our residents prioritizes. 

Affordable Housing

Library Trustee Nicolas Kiet Quach understands the stress families face when forced to choose between food on the table, medical bills, or a roof over their heads. This is why Nicolas will expand renter protections, protect mom-and-pop landlords, and work with local residents to determine strategic developments for Alhambra’s neighbors. He’ll work to build affordable housing units and invest in mixed-use zoning to meet Alhambra’s required Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) goals, whilst ensuring new developments align with the ever-changing needs of Alhambra’s communities. 

Building on Alhambra’s precedent requiring all new housing developments to include 15% affordable units, Nicolas will work to broaden that requirement to 20%. If elected, he will ensure Alhambra collaborates with regional partners on the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, CalCities, and local housing trusts to ensure unhoused people are met with compassion, housing, and job transition programs.

By working with State & Regional partners, Alhambra can work to be a leader in the San Gabriel Valley by implementing permanent solutions on homelessness such as partnerships with Project Roomkey to achieve genuine solutions for Alhambra’s unhoused residents.

Quach will oppose special interests to ensure every resident can attain the Alhambra Dream; being able to afford living in our city and having an opportunity to become a homeowner.